
Blue Flow 1
Cast lead crystal letters for Microsoft Experience Center, Atlanta

Under Pressure

Cast glass custom tabletop

Lisa Schnellinger is a Decatur, Georgia artist specializing in cast and sandcarved glass. She works extensively with salvaged glass. Her previous medium was photography, part of a 25-year career in international journalism. Using textures, landforms, and abstract figures, Lisa offers viewers a place to explore the feelings and meanings evoked by her visual suggestions. She also draws from her own story of recovery from a brain aneurysm in ways that speak to others with hidden trauma. Her art has been exhibited at juried shows in Atlanta and elsewhere in Georgia since 2007. She is a master's candidate in the School of Art and Design at Kennesaw State University, following post-baccalaureate sculpture studies at Georgia State University. Lisa owns Fused Light Studio, Georgia’s largest studio for kilnformed glass, where she creates custom glass and teaches workshops and private lessons. She is a volunteer artist with PaintLove of Decatur, and a member and webmaster of the Atlanta Glass Art Guild.